I am a once upon teacher who has taken the leap of faith into pursuing my passions as I believe life is too short to do anything less.

I taught grade 1 and 2 for four years while constantly developing my photography and calligraphy skills on the side. In my third year of teaching I was hired to shoot my first wedding and I was hooked; I knew I could do this, I just needed to give it the room to grow. Knowing I was head over heels about creating and capturing, I turned down another teaching contract and instead put in my application for a business license.

I believe there is an incredible weight to having your photos taken. When you have your life documented at any point in time for any reason, you will literally never be able to live those moments again. However, if captured in photos, you will be able to look back and remember it always. Making sure to catch the real stuff -the mess, the movement, the laughing and love- not just the nice shots, capturing that for you is my biggest motivation and purpose.

Life is what you make it. You actually have no limits to what you can do with your life, only the ones you put on yourself. I have found that by pushing through fear, saying yes and being open to learning new things always, I am now living out this flexible lifestyle, pursuing things that make my heart want to explode with joy, and just being rewarded for stepping out in faith.

I appreciate every person who has invested and put their trust in me to take their photos and capture their love and life as it has helped me get to where I am today.
